Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year!

Its hard to believe that we are 2008, seems like just the other day we were anxiously anticipating the new milineum! EIGHT whole years ago. SO much has has changed since the that particular new year. For one- our family grew by 3 and continues to grow, we moved from FL to the snow country that we reside in. something howver have not changed- I still feel as young as I felt back then- key word- feel.. apparantly my hair is starting to grey! YIKES not sure how that happened.

My homeland Kenya has been in the new lately with all the unrest about the election. I have decided not to render an opnion on who I think is to blame etc .. but basically to say I am suprised - how the whole *ethnic* differences can become an issue. Well maybe I shouldn't be suprised. WHen you meet a kenyan here in the US people always try and place you- by where did you live, where you went to school... that is if your last name isn't a giveaway of your group. I used to believe that there really wan't any real real harm in it but its just a way people use to relate to each other and see if thery know anyone who you may know. But now I see the harm of seeing ppl by the *ethnic* background. Its lamost as bad as when you are in the middle of conversion with someone and they refer to someone as a *black man or woman* ie " I went out yesterday and I met this black guy" and as it turns out the person's race has no bearing on the story whatsoever.. but is used as way for the person to translate an underlying message... Its all so sad. Yesterday I was teaching the kids in my Relegious Education class the 10 commandments. As we went through them one by one I watched the children think about the times they have broken those laws - but I reassured them that if you love your neighbor like you love yourself you would be okay on all the commandments... I wish it was that simple....

God help us all!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Its been over a year!

Its has been over a year since I updated my blog. Its not that I haven't thought about it but I started feeling disillusioned about this whole posting a blog thing. I always wondered who was out there reading my ramblings and what they were getting from it. I am just an average person who lives an average life- nothing majorly exciting happens in my life except my day to day chores with an occassional emergency. I am not sure whether I'll keep my blog up but we shall see... only time will tell.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Memorial Garden Saga

If you know me, you know I have to keep myself as busy as a bee. I have taken on a huge project... designingand implementing a memerial garden. This includes fundraising and organizing the fundraising events. I figure if I work hard enough and stay commitment enough the others will come.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Today dd2 turns 4. I can't believe shes 4. She still seems to be much younger... the crying the whining... maybe its age appropiate.. If so I can't wait for her to grow out of it. We are not doing a party for her tonight dh has a knights of columbus meeting.

I turned in proposal to solicit professional services for a Project I am working on. AFter I had sent it, I read through for the nth time the I saw the horrendous typos. WHy had I not seen them earlier? I am soo embarrassed. The guy prolly thinks I am some kind of dimwit for not checking my work! I don't like the way its making me feel. I feel exposed.. But truth be told grammer, spelling or sentence structure has never been a strong point for me.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Finally school starts tomorrow...

SUmmer for an active parent of four children is a very very busy time. I don't think anyone who has not walked in those shoes can appreciate what I mean. Between the baseball games, baseball practise, daily swim lessons (for three of the four children), the vistors from out of town that stream into our home for their vacations, the church related activities, the cookouts, birthday parties, the weddings, vacation bible schools, and oh yes my own summer to do list of gardening, painting, fixing, canning, picking, writing... it has been a busy busy summer.

School starts tomorrow.. I am more excited than the kids. The thought of having sometimes to do some cleaning and planning is too much to contain. This is the time I revist my Easter resolutions to see how well I am doing (this the halfway mark to next Easter).... and drum roll please... and on schedule (except for one little bitty thing called "the nonprofit") I kept active this sumemr and got into some shape. I overcame my fear of deep water and accomplished my goal of swimming and jumping into the deep end. YEAH! It was a very emotional struggle... but I overcame it.. This opens a whole new world to me. My next physical goal? Is to compete in a 5K next fall.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


the water is still rising.. its sad

Friday, June 16, 2006

More flowers

Name that flower!
1. cranesbill geranium
2. Peony
3. Columbine
4. Johnnie Jump Ups (I didn't plant them there!)
5. Dianthus -type of carnation

Thursday, June 15, 2006

spring flowers

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My week in pictures

From the memorial day parade, birthday celebration in kindergaten and a trip to the animal land. it has been busy. pictures of the many little league games, the gardening are missing.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Early spring flowerbeds. signs of life returning. I so love perennials, no planting in spring just watching and waiting. These pictures were taken 2 weeks ago, i really need to take more recent ones. We have been eating strawberries from our patch already... soo good. Today I even baked a strawbery rhubarb buckle... yummers.
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