Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Finally school starts tomorrow...

SUmmer for an active parent of four children is a very very busy time. I don't think anyone who has not walked in those shoes can appreciate what I mean. Between the baseball games, baseball practise, daily swim lessons (for three of the four children), the vistors from out of town that stream into our home for their vacations, the church related activities, the cookouts, birthday parties, the weddings, vacation bible schools, and oh yes my own summer to do list of gardening, painting, fixing, canning, picking, writing... it has been a busy busy summer.

School starts tomorrow.. I am more excited than the kids. The thought of having sometimes to do some cleaning and planning is too much to contain. This is the time I revist my Easter resolutions to see how well I am doing (this the halfway mark to next Easter).... and drum roll please... and on schedule (except for one little bitty thing called "the nonprofit") I kept active this sumemr and got into some shape. I overcame my fear of deep water and accomplished my goal of swimming and jumping into the deep end. YEAH! It was a very emotional struggle... but I overcame it.. This opens a whole new world to me. My next physical goal? Is to compete in a 5K next fall.


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