Friday, May 26, 2006

The Urge to SHop

I have the insatiable urge to shop. To buy whatever I feel content to buy. I want to spend all the money I have and then some, as if a shopping frenzy will bring me some kind of satisfaction. I know women are supposed to give in to this urge, but for years I have resisted the shopping urge and lived on a tightly managed budget which of course is self imposed. Sometimes I let my guard down and splurge at the thrift store or sometimes I get it through my head that if I buy this thing ..a particular problem will be solved. Case in point -- my messy living room. So I buy storage shelves for the kid’s toys, the toys will somehow find themselves on the shelves keeping my living room neat and tidy. That however was a huge misconception on my part, the state of the living quarters does not change. Last week I somehow convinced myself that new chair covers will breathe new life into our living space. So, today one new chair cover arrived. It made a huge difference to the dilapidated chair, but to the mess.. No such luck; changes should be done within and not without. As for the splurge its eating at me but I know I will resist it. But let’s say for a moment I give in to what will I buy… Jewelry? Clothes? New shoes? Not even close. If you said kitchen gadgets you are right. Here follows my wants lists:
A rice steamer (20 plus cup capacity)
A food processor (with many accessories)
A high wattage blender (make margaritas on the fly)
A fancy Bread machine/oven
Hot Dog Roller (such a cool looking contraption)


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