These are troubling times my friends...
Let me climb on my soap box for a minute here… I am extremely troubled by the times we live in. Explicitly, I am extremely troubled by some people’s lack of respect for others. I always thought we have comfortably moved out of the dark ages... But I was sadly mistaken. Some of us are still flailing around in the dark… trying to find meaning in our minuscule existence by finding ways to minimize our inequities. We do so by creating our own visions of grandeur… maximizing our egos at the cost of others. Am I upset? Yes I am… An idiot visited my website a couple of days ago and left a most ignorant, unwelcome, unsavory comment… Satan is prowling the internet… Users beware! By putting my blog out there I opened myself up to “that” kind of ignorance. I was not surprised but sadly disappointed by what I read inadvertently came into my home and stained my computer screen and my soul.
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