Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tips for Eating Out with Children

Make sure that the:

· Kids are not too hungry- I had given a snack at 4ish, so the kids didn’t have the restlessness associated with being overly hungry.
· Are well rested-the Baby was tired which made her restless.
· Have some paper and crayons to keep then entertained- the kids colored and drew. Actually I was the only mom who remembered. So, while we were waiting for dinner I had all the kids at my table.
· Food is child friendly- we had Roast beef, baked potatoes, carrots, salad and manicotti appetizer. Not very child friendly. They ate their appetizer and they were done. I spent the meal keeping them calm and in their seats.
· Atmosphere is child friendly- there were other kids about making a ruckus. That helped with the child friendly atmosphere. Sometimes you take your kids out to a posh restaurant and people glare at you and cringe when you sit next to them. It is almost like when you on a long flight and a family with small children sit next to you. Time for aspirin

The whole experience was a success as far as the children’s behavior went. I of course as usual didn’t get to eat. I was holding the baby trying to keep her calm. Normally my groom helps but he had to wash dishes. (It was a fundraiser dinner). I have experience eating alone with four kids though. One January 1st I took them to a wedding and reception.. Talk about being brave.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! I knew it would be a BorB'er to figure it out.
He says Hi.

P.S great suggestions! I also read your gardening article and really liked it. I am already plotting it out, and going step by step like you suggested.

12:35 PM  

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