When does a WAHM’s workday end?
I took the day off my writing yesterday to get caught up with household chores. I am so far behind. Children are running out of socks and underwear. You know that drill. I also had to steam clean the living room carpet, we had a diaper accident. I used to try and plan my day but last year it hit me; life as a parent can not be planned. My day is spent taking care of a series of emergencies. I did however get the laundry done and 80% put away. As a Work at Home Mom (WAHM), my work day is never over. I am still nursing my youngest. She is almost one. She is up probably twice a night. I am potty training my three year old; she has accidents about once a month. The Five year old is going through a phase where she has nightmares that requires mommy at night atleast three times a week. So I am still on call at night.
When does a WAHMs worday end?
When does a SAHMs workday end?
When does a mothers workday end?
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