Life is a Series of Emergencies..
One of the hardest lessons I had to learn about being a Stay (work) AT Home Mom is dealing with the unpredictability. Last night I had my evening and day (today) all mapped out, down to what time I was going to do the laundry and how many words I would write to finish my writing assignment. It all changed. If this was year ago I would have been upset because nothing ever goes according to plan. The day I accepted that my life is a series of emergencies, which each passing moment of my day is managing… My got easier. Case in point, I am way behind in writing, in my personal correspondence and in general my weekly goals… yesterday and today were my make up days. Last night however I got a phone call from a friend. She has 4 kids (like I have), her 2 year old was very sick and they had to take her to the doctor. She took her youngest who is 4months old. The oldest two (5 and 8 year old) were at the sitters after school. While at the Doctors they found out that the 2 year old was seriously ill and had to be transported 2 hours away to a Children’s Hospital. AT 8 pm she calls me distraught wanting me to pick her kids from the sitters. SO last night there are 6 kids here. Then her 5 year old got sick- puking sick making for a long sleepless night. To cut the story short, she stayed home from school. I expect the children to be here another night or two and I expect my kids to start puking too. As for the 2 year old they suspect meningitis. She is having seizures and can’t use her legs. Please put her in your thoughts. Like I said a series of emergencies..
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